Welcome to UG Press Sdn Bhd

UG Press Sdn Bhd specializes in general printing such as books, magazines, posters, brochures, flyer, catalogue, packaging, etc.

Our company is located in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. We understand that support and trust from our clients are fundamentally built upon the quality and professional services that we provide. Our primary goal is to offer top quality products and professional service that meet your requirements.



“We Provide Fast & Quality Services”
拿督公系列 19 products
莲花纸系列 105 products
手工品系列 36 products
天宫屋系列 25 products
中国纸料系列 53 products
拜拜包料系列 113 products
茶系列 8 products
符系列 103 products
启福宝系列 32 products
小盘香系列 4 products
小金系列 20 products
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